We have compiled some actionable steps that you can take to keep yourself and your family healthy during this time.

Here are steps that you can take to keep yourself and your family healthy during this time

1. You do have a choice and your decisions matter: I can not stress this enough! – be wise and discerning about your lifestyle practices and choices. There are things that you can do that will boost immunity and things that you can do that will diminish it. Make smart choices. If you are able to stay home from work or refrain from social contact, please do. You may feel like your immune system is strong but others around us might not. It is our social responsibility to take care of others as well as ourselves.

2. Manage stress:
While there is a lot of uncertainty at the moment, do your best to not live in fear or have anxiety about the situation. Keep yourself informed but distance yourself from mass hysteria in order to not get trapped in the fear response. It is well documented that our immune system shuts down in favour of survival. Yes, this is a serious matter that requires attention, but we are able to use our intellect to make better decisions when we are level headed and empowered.

3. What you eat makes a difference: Your immune system requires adequate protein and nutrients in order to function adequately. Increase your intake of brightly coloured fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, raspberries, spinach, arugula, sprouts, garlic, onions, ginger, parsley, cilantro, cabbage. These are filled with antioxidants, in particular, quercetin (a compound in leafy green vegetables, broccoli, red onions, apples, grapes and green tea) may prevent viral binding and inflammation.

4. Avoid inflammatory foods or those foods that you are sensitive to: You do not want to give your immune system another task to do right now, so if you are tempted to eat off plan, this is not the time to do so. You want your immune system ready for action and not reacting to gluten, dairy, soy or other foods that are problematic for you.

5. Avoid refined carbohydrates and sugars. As tempting as it may be to self-medicate our collective-anxiety with pizza, pasta, and pastries, this can weaken our immune system and suppress it for up to 6 hours.

6. Listen to your mother:
Get rest, fresh air & movement. Fresh air is vital to a healthy immune system. Try to make it a point to get outside for 10-15 minutes a few times per day. Movement improves our lymphatic circulation and boosts our feel good hormones. Sleep is imperative to good immune function and studies have shown that people who are sleep deprived have similar changes in immune function as those who have a cold/flu.

7. Rest is often the best medicine and repair for the body. Melatonin not only is necessary for better sleep quality but is also a powerful antioxidant helping to reduce cell damage.

8. Stay hydrated. Drink lots of quality water and herbal teas in order to remain hydrated. Flushing toxins out of your body will help to support your immune system.


1. Vitamin C –
a lack of vitamin C has long been known to increase our susceptibility to infections and low Vitamin C has been linked to increased risk and severity of influenza. Humans and guinea pigs are the only mammals that do not produce their own Vitamin C so we need to get it from food and our adrenal glands also use it up when we are stressed.

Currently China is conducting a clinical trial using 24 grams of IVC per day to treat patients with coronavirus or severe respiratory complications. Oral dosing can vary greatly from 1.5 grams per day to 30+ grams per day depending on the person and individual need. You may experience loose bowels taking high doses of Vitamin C. This is not uncommon because when we are well and healthy, our need for this nutrient is quite low. However, when we are ill, the Vitamin C receptors in our gut open up and use up more.

2. Vitamin A - Recent clinical trials suggest that vitamin A supplementation reduces morbidity and mortality in different infectious diseases. Acute dosing is 25, 000 IU. This is contraindicated in pregnant women or those with liver disease.

3. Vitamin D – 5000 IU to 10, 000 IU per day. Dosing is individual, but aggressive dosing short term increases Defensins so that any virus or bacteria on the skin or mouth is killed on contact

4. N-acetyl cysteine: 500-1000 mg with each meal. This is a building block to protein and should be taken WITH your meal. NAC has antiviral and immune boosting properties and increases glutathione levels in the lungs.

5. Elderberry/Sambuca – Is immune boosting and research indicates that it prevents viral uptake.

6. Melatonin –
potent antioxidant and aids in sleep

See our full list of immune boosting supplements here!

7.Gargle with colloidal silver, sea salt, tea tree oil mouthwash or Listerine.

8.Intermittent Fasting – short fasts, or 12 hour time restricted feeding (eating within a window of 12 hours) appear to have positive effects on our immune system.


- We are globally connected

- We have a hard time slowing down and not being addicted to stress

- Our health should be our top priority

- Time off will allow you to reflect, set new goals, establish better family dynamics and think about some extracurricular activities you would like to do

- Limiting social contact allows us to connect inwards vs outwards

- Accepting that unforeseen changes will happen. Learning to problem solve, create new habits and not fall into the “victim” and “excuse” mentality


- Pick up an old/new hobby

- Create structure in your day, still get dressed and ready for the day

- Indoor exercise – YouTube at home workouts

- Walk outside and get into nature

- Cook healthy meals with your family

- Play board games, read books, finish a puzzle

- Encourage new conversations and questions to get to know others

- Call or FaceTime an old friend

- Virtual museum tours

Corona Virus Links:

More Tips and Additional Information:

Immune Booster Products:

Dr. Shields' Video On The Top 4 Strategies he is using:

Disclaimer: Please note that these recommendations are not intended to TREAT Corvid-19, but rather to provide options that are generally safe and MAY be effective.

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