How do I boost my immune system?

Do you know what your immune system needs to stay healthy? Many times, our patients never knew they needed these things until we did testing.

This is an unprecedented time in history, a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. I really do believe and try to live by the mantra, "It's not what happens to you but how you respond to it that is important."  I think it’s safe to say we are all going to be affected by this in some way. But, the question is, how are you going to let it affect you? The only thing we can control right now is how we control ourselves. For me, I am staying focused on what I do have. I have a wonderful family, I have great friends, I have wonderful colleagues and I live in an amazing community and country. 

I don’t know what will happen to our economy and to the people who are at high risk from the complications of COVID-19. However, I have found great solace in the adage, “This too shall pass.”  Right now, in China this is exactly what we are seeing. Things are getting back to normal now, kids are going back to school, businesses are reopening and people are starting to reconnect. When I look back at this time, I want to make sure I don’t have any regrets, that I kept a positive outlook, that I tried to help, that I kept calm in the storm, that I loved my wife, family and friends, that I helped when I could and that I was kind despite how I felt. The more we surrender, the more we love and the more grateful we are, the more likely we are to thrive, not just survive, during these trying times.  

On a clinical note, I know we have had an outpouring of e-mails, messages and calls asking the question, “What can I do to boost my immune system?” Unfortunately, the answer is always much more complicated than “Here, take this.” Yes, there are some essentials you should be taking and some lifestyle choices you can make, and we wrote about those here and here.** 

However, if you own a ship, it is extremely important you evaluate it before setting sail. You need to make sure your vessel doesn’t have any cracks, weakened buttresses or torn sails, etc. You would want to make sure your ship is in tip-top shape before entering a storm versus waiting for the storm to then find out what needs to be fixed or repaired.   

What I am trying to say is: The healthier you are going into the storm, the better you will fare during the storm. That is why if you are a patient of ours, you’re already better off than 99% of the population because you have worked with us to find out where your vessel needed repair. We found those cracks, weakened buttresses and torn sails and have helped you improve them before you entered the storm.

For those of you we haven’t met or seen in a while, you may have some things going on that need attention. Many times, our patients never knew they needed these things until we did testing. In most patients who we test, we find nutritional deficiencies for things like Vitamin D or zinc, both of which are essential for the immune system to function properly. On our stool testing, we often see patients who are missing essential bacteria that fight infections or patients who have elevated immune markers because of stealth infections from yeast, bacteria, viruses and even worms in their colon. We find patients who have undiagnosed autoimmune diseases, and some who have hormonal-related issues or high levels of inflammation. Healing all of these things works together to create a healthy vessel. It is so important to understand…

Everyone is different; therefore, everyone's needs are different.

How do you boost your immune system? Find out what you need to be more balanced, more whole and less toxic. That is why I love Functional Medicine. In-depth lab testing gives us the ability to figure out if your body (sorry for the analogy) has any holes or damage going into the storm. Then, once we discover what your needs are, with the proper care and supplementation, we can help you repair your vessel so it can withstand the storm.  

We’ve seen the power of functional medicine and what the human body can do when it is cared for properly. We’ve seen our patients better weather the storm. I hear it all the time, patients saying, "You know this is the first year I didn't get a sinus infection," or "I can't believe it. I got sick and it only lasted for 2 days, where in the past I would have ended up in the hospital and been out for weeks.”  

How are you feeling about your health? Are you confident as we enter this pandemic? Are you concerned because you know your health isn’t as good as it should be? Are you wanting clarity and proper guidance?  

If you have never been to our office and would like to get serious about finding out what you really should be doing to live your best and healthiest life possible, click here to schedule a consultation. 

If you are an existing patient who hasn’t been seen in a while and want to check in with your provider, click here to request a visit. 

We are offering virtual appointments now, so you don’t even have to come in!


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