Do You Have "Leaky" Gut??

The microbiome, dysbiosis, "leaky" gut and what it means for you. A lot of people suffer from issues that are caused from issues in their digestive systems but rarely find what is actually causing their problems.

Are You at the end of your rope? Struggling with Leaky Gut? Discover the Root Causes and Find Relief

Are you struggling with leaky gut or other digestive issues? You're not alone. Many of our patients come to us complaining of symptoms like bloating, gas, stomach pain, acid reflux, IBS, IBD, diarrhea, constipation, Crohn's, colitis, or celiac disease. Unfortunately, most people dealing with these issues are given medications that only cover up their symptoms instead of addressing the ROOT CAUSES. You may be wondering what exactly the root causes of these problems are. As you can see at the bottom of this page, once we discover someone's unique causes, it can forever change their life. There are several video testimonials at the bottom of the article that highlight these transformations.

What is Leaky Gut?

Leaky gut, also known as increased intestinal permeability, occurs when the lining of your small intestine becomes damaged. This damage allows harmful substances such as toxins, microbes, and undigested food particles to leak into your bloodstream. When these substances enter your blood, your immune system recognizes them as foreign invaders and begins to attack them. This can lead to widespread inflammation and trigger a variety of health issues.

Symptoms of Leaky Gut:

Leaky gut can cause a wide range of symptoms, not just digestive issues. These can include:

Digestive Symptoms:

✔️ Bloating and gas  

✔️ Stomach pain  

✔️ Acid reflux  

✔️ IBS, IBD, diarrhea, and constipation  

✔️ Crohn's, colitis, and celiac disease  

Systemic Symptoms:

✔️ Asthma  

✔️ Fatigue  

✔️ Anxiety and/or depression  

✔️ Chronic sinus and allergy problems  

✔️ Weight gain, obesity, and Type 2 diabetes  

✔️ Joint pain and fibromyalgia  

✔️ Autoimmune diseases (including Crohn’s, celiac, lupus, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Hashimoto’s)  

✔️ Skin, hair, and nail issues (including acne, eczema, hives, dry or oily skin, hair loss, and weak or ridged nails)  

✔️ Heart disease and high cholesterol  

✔️ Brain fog, headaches, and migraines  

✔️ Hormonal issues such as hypothyroid, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, and low testosterone  

✔️ Chronic inflammation (headaches/migraines, achy joints, swollen and puffy hands, face, and feet)  

✔️ Weakened immune system, allergies, and worsening food sensitivities  

✔️ Thyroid disease  

✔️ Depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, brain fog  

✔️ Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s  

Understanding the Causes of Leaky Gut and Digestive Issues

Recent research has shown that several key factors can contribute to leaky gut and digestive problems:

1. Dysbiosis (Imbalanced Gut Bacteria)

2. Medications (such as antibiotics and NSAIDs)

3. Toxins (like pesticides and chemicals)

4. Diet (poor diet full of processed foods)

5. Stress and Lifestyle Factors

6. Nutritional Deficiencies

Dysbiosis: When Things Get Ugly!

Your gut contains trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, collectively known as microbes. These microbes make up your microbiome, which plays a crucial role in your health. Dysbiosis occurs when bad bacteria outnumber the good bacteria, creating an unhealthy environment in the gut and throughout the body.

Dysbiosis can lead to intestinal inflammation, damaging the gut lining and resulting in indigestion, diarrhea, gas, constipation, and bloating. It can also cause more serious problems like leaky gut syndrome, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, IBS, IBD, and even colon cancer. Dysbiosis affects digestion, leading to nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, poor skin and nail health, and hair loss. It’s also linked to asthma, allergy issues, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases.


The use of certain medications, such as antibiotics and NSAIDs, can contribute to leaky gut. Antibiotics, while effective at treating infections, can also kill off beneficial bacteria in your gut, leading to dysbiosis. NSAIDs can cause inflammation and damage to the gut lining, increasing intestinal permeability.


Exposure to toxins, such as pesticides and chemicals, can disrupt the balance of your gut microbiome and damage the gut lining. These toxins can come from various sources, including food, water, and the environment.

Poor Diet

A diet high in processed foods, sugar, and additives can lead to an imbalanced gut microbiome. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is particularly problematic, as it lacks the naturally occurring bacteria present in whole, unprocessed foods that keep our guts healthy. Grains like wheat might also contribute to leaky gut due to substances that damage the intestinal walls.

Stress and Lifestyle Factors

Stress, lack of exercise, and poor lifestyle choices can also contribute to leaky gut. Chronic stress can weaken your immune system and disrupt the balance of your gut bacteria. Lack of physical activity and poor sleep can further exacerbate these issues.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Deficiencies in essential nutrients like vitamins D and B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc can weaken your gut lining and immune system, making you more susceptible to leaky gut and other digestive problems. Furthermore, specific deficiencies, such as vitamin D and zinc, can contribute directly to leaky gut. These nutrients are critical for maintaining the tight junctions in your gut lining, which act as the bouncers keeping the bad guys out. Without them, the gates are wide open, leading to increased permeability and inflammation.

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The Connection Between Gut Health and Overall Wellness

Every tissue, gland, organ, hormone, and brain cell in your body is made from the food you eat, and your body is constantly rebuilding and replenishing itself. Your stomach lining replenishes itself every six hours, and your skin rejuvenates every 27 days. These regenerative cycles depend on amino acids and other nutrients from the foods you eat.

Think of your body as an orchestra playing a symphony. Each instrument (your liver, immune, and digestive systems) has to be in tune, or the music (your health) will be off-key. The “conductor” of this orchestra is your digestive system. If your digestive system is out of balance, the entire orchestra becomes dysfunctional and out of sync.

How Do You Know if You Have Leaky Gut, Dysbiosis, or a Healthy Microbiome?

If you think you might have any of these health issues, it’s crucial to find a practitioner who looks to find and correct the underlying causes. At our practice, we offer various types of testing, such as a comprehensive stool test, to determine if your problems could be stemming from the digestive system.

A Comprehensive Stool Analysis checks for normal bacteria levels, dysbiosis, leaky gut, inflammation, viruses, parasites, worms, digestive enzymes, and screens for a gluten sensitivity. This test is much more sophisticated than the stool tests most gastroenterologists order. Traditional tests might miss many pathogens because they use a microscopic and cultural evaluation. The testing we use is comparable to police dusting for fingerprints at a crime scene, revealing much more detailed information.

I’ve seen amazing results with patients after using these tests, even those with multiple health conditions. Patients have not only improved their health but also lost weight, increased their energy, and felt better than they have in years!

Correcting the Cause

Lab testing can reveal what you are truly dealing with. All too often, patients come in after years of colonoscopies, endoscopies, and basic stool tests, along with being prescribed antacids, antibiotics, and other medications, with little to no relief. As these conditions go untreated, people continue to suffer from chronic conditions like frequent coughs, allergies, sinus infections, acne, hormonal issues, weight gain, headaches and migraines, anxiety, depression, autoimmune disease, and more—all stemming from their gut issues! When patients finally get the proper testing, they can see what is causing their health issues and determine the best course of treatment to help them get their lives back.

Our clinic is here to help end your suffering and put you on the road to wellness. Conventional medicine often just covers the problem and doesn’t offer real relief. Because medications fail to address the true causes of health issues, many people continue to suffer, and their conditions worsen, leading to more serious problems.

So, Where Do I Begin?

Consider an approach that tests for and corrects the underlying causes of your health problems. To get started call us or click below to request an appointment. We look forward to helping you be well again!

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